Saturday, December 29, 2007

4AG Challenge, Big Willow

At some point I knew that competition was going to happen for me. I've been concentrating on improving for the past two years, so it was about time to see where I stood with some of my peers. Luckily, PASS racing ( held a round of their 4AG challenge series at Big Willow. Normally I don't like driving Big Willow in my Corolla, but I figured I'd give it a shot since a few other friends were also participating in the event.

The car had the new engine in , and it had already had a few track events under its belt. Everything ran pretty well except for the high RPM misfire that seemed to keep happening whenever the ambient air temperature got too cold. I tried to remedy it by blocking half the radiator with cardboard, but it didn't work the whole day.

I managed to finish 4th out of 12 drivers (if you don't count Pfeiffer's turbo 7, then I placed third) but I know I can do better!

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